Compass Culture Champions

Compass Culture Champions

  • Jim Klinge
  • 04/16/19

Going to work at Compass came with expectations of high-tech, big-game, etc. on my part, but underneath it, all has been a quiet and humble fit for us among the family of experienced agents who appreciate being on the right team.

All three recipients today (Donna on our behalf) mentioned how it felt like we are in the right place, at the right time with a brokerage who cares.

In one of the most curious things I have ever seen in my career as a realtor, Compass doesn’t award agents based on production. In truth, it kind of bugs me because competition is what drives me.

Instead, what is rewarded is those who champion the culture of being a team player, which is commendable.

You can probably guess that Donna had everything to do with this recognition, and it’s true.  She is the ultimate team player and deserves to be recognized by the staff of Compass for this honor.
Thank you, team!

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Jim and Donna recognize that buying or selling a home is more than a business transaction—they help people change their lives! If you want a hands-on approach directed by two agents at the top of their field, reach out to the Klinge Realty Group today.